Sam Bryan and Joseph Parsonage’s unique and engaging in-school workshops are certain to inspire pupils and support learning across the curriculum.
Each session transports children to a world of dinosaurs and dragons, enabling pupils to experience something truly unforgettable. The newest experience, ‘Animals – Our World’, brings the rainforest to school and immerses children in the world around them.
Samuel Bryan and Joseph Parsonage, founders of Teach Rex, bring years of teaching experience across primary education. They sought to bring an external business into schools but could not find any options that offered purposeful links to learning outcomes for their pupils. This led to the arrival of their first dinosaur and the creation of a unique curriculum pack designed to support teachers and provide meaningful experiences for students before, during, and after a visit.
Since then, the team has continued to grow with enthusiastic, inspiring teachers. Teach Rex has now visited over 1,000 schools worldwide, including in Dubai, Singapore, Egypt, and Abu Dhabi, with many more exciting bookings on the horizon. Alongside school visits, their live events have captivated audiences, selling out hundreds of shows and including residencies at the Natural History Museum. These achievements highlight Teach Rex’s commitment to making education engaging and accessible for children and families alike.
The materials are designed to maximise the likelihood that these experiences will become part of children’s long-term memory, helping them connect their learning to other subjects.
The resources cover a wide range of curriculum content, offering an experience that builds general knowledge and vocabulary in a progressive manner across year groups. Sam and Joseph say the impact on writing—particularly among reluctant boys—has been remarkable to witness. This aspect was always central to their vision for Teach Rex, and seeing it integrated into the curriculum of so many schools worldwide is incredibly rewarding.
The impact Teach Rex has made throughout the UK, and internationally, can be seen through the case studies below or by visiting their review platforms, where they have over 3,000 five-star reviews. Many reviews on the website and social media highlight the positive changes in classroom engagement following a visit from Teach Rex
Sam and Joseph start work as primary NQTs (Year 1 and Year 4)
Teach Rex is born
In December, Teach Rex’s impressive 4m dinosaur, Jam, is hatched
Teach Rex begins school visits in January
Dragons are welcomed into the team in December, adding even more to Teach Rex’s offering
Velociraptors join the team
Thomas the Gorilla joins the team
Tom Brie joins the team
The Gorilla workshop goes to the shores of Dubai, Egypt, Singapore, and Abu Dhabi
Oliver Fanning joins the team
Fito the Orangutan joins the team
Victoria Adderley joins the team
Countries Performed in
Sold Out UK Shows
Children Educated
Million+ Years of Experience
Schools Visited
Schools Visited Internationally
The first workshop is when the children will come face to face with Thomas the Gorilla or Fito the Orangutan and will be immersed in a story following their lives.
The second workshop focuses on expanding vocabulary and encouraging children to verbally discuss ideas that transfer into writing, using our green screen to ignite their imaginations.
The first dinosaur workshop has a science focus and encourages children to ask scientific questions.
All Teach Rex workshops are interactive and the team are able to teach pupils the concept of evolution and how science has changed over time with ‘Jam’, their four-metre dinosaur.
The first dragon workshop introduces an exciting new aspect to storytelling in the classroom. Teach Rex sends a mystifying book to hook children into the visit before the team arrives at your school.
Through a tale that comes to life before their eyes, children are exposed to a range of vocabulary that they can use in their writing.