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Animals Workshop | Teaching Sustainability in Primary Schools
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Workshop 1

The first workshop is when the children will come face to face with Thomas the Gorilla or Fito the Orangutan, and will be immersed in a story following their lives. During the stories, children will create an emotional attachment with Thomas or Fito and their home, exploring the positive and negative impacts of human behaviours on our world. Children will also explore a range of differentiated vocabulary that can be used to enhance learning outcomes once the workshop has finished.

The stories outlines the importance of sustainability and raises awareness of our human footprint on the world around us. It has been differentiated from EYFS up to Year 6 and is designed to get children of all ages thinking scientifically with an underpinning message about the world around them.

Workshop 2

The second workshop focuses on expanding vocabulary and encouraging children to verbally discuss ideas that transfer into writing, using our green screen to ignite their imaginations. Children will become explorers in the rainforest and delve into a range of vocabulary and sentence structures whilst overcoming dangerous threats on their journey. This is differentiated from EYFS to Year 6.

All of the content in this workshop is directly linked to writing, drama and ICT outcomes. All edited videos will be sent to your school for evidence and for children to see their marvellous work on the big screen.

Workshop 3

Children will have the opportunity to meet baby Sloths and baby Cherokees, all of which have different personalities and problems that they have to deal with. With the help of the children these animals can overcome their problems. This workshop is an interactive session that can take place in the classroom and it focusses on personal, social, and emotional development.

Workshop 4

This workshop gives children the opportunity to work in small groups and apply the skills they learnt from Workshop 2.

Children will create their own ‘Green Screen’ videos using ipads and share with their peers. Younger children will use the ipads to orally rehearse sentences and make a video, using technology purposefully to create, organise, store, manipulate and retrieve digital content.

Please send us an email or give us a call and we can go through which workshops would work best for your school and what subjects would be targeted.

Before A Visit

Prior to the visit you will receive an A0 / A1 poster that has been designed by the Teach Rex team. The poster shows Thomas the Gorilla or Fito the Orangutan in the rainforest and portrays a powerful visual image of the main environmental impacts encroaching on them and their families. The images have been designed to allow children to use inference skills and make observations as to what is happening. This can be used as the hook into the visit, as ‘Workshop 1’ will be directly linked to this.

‘Curriculum Idea Packs’

Prior to the visit, we will send your school a ‘Curriculum Ideas Pack’. This pack primarily aims at giving teachers ideas for learning opportunities that are linked to our visit.

It can be used as much, or as little, as your school wishes and is a free resource that has been created with the support of a team of teaching practitioners across the UK. The pack uses a variety of texts and links them to an array of learning of cross curricular learning outcomes.

In partnership with the ‘Teachers Pet’ team, a range of cross curricular, differentiated resources are available to download for free for Teach Rex customers. The resources include an array of engaging content including writing frames, lesson ideas, display content and so much more.

After Our Visit

After our visit we encourage all members of staff to send us children’s work. We then send your school a written letter to celebrate the children who have made a special effort.

Following on from this we also send the children selected by their teachers a prize. This has proven to be an extremely effective way in giving children a purpose to write and motivating reluctant writers.

What’s On?

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EYFS Animals Workshops

Children will have the opportunity to meet baby Sloths and baby Cherokees, all of which have different personalities and problems that they have to deal with. With the help of the children these animals can overcome their problems. This workshop is an interactive session that can take place in the classroom and it focusses on personal, social, and emotional development.

Get In Touch

For more information about our Animals or EYFS Workshops, or to book the team for your school, get in touch with Teach Rex today.