Our name in lights: the Teach Rex team pen a magazine editorial

Some BIG news for Teach Rex, as we recently appeared in the esteemed Teach Primary magazine.
Teach Primary is a much-respected magazine for teachers and other education professionals – very much a trade magazine for KS1 and KS2. They have a history of championing innovative and exciting approaches to education.
As a result, getting an overview of Teach Rex in the pages of the magazine was incredibly rewarding.
We received an in-depth write-up in their Inside Story section, which was gratifying. When you work hard at any enterprise, it’s always a pleasure to know that other people are hearing about you in positive terms. We have put together an educational package that engages children, while remaining curriculum-focussed, and feedback suggests teachers are seeing progressive measurable learning outcomes in the classroom.
The article points out the range of applications our workshops have for primary school children.
As if one appearance in Teach Primary wasn’t thrilling enough, we also received the opportunity to crash the party and put together an editorial piece for the magazine
This time, it was a chance for us to crash the party and put together an editorial piece for the magazine. This wasn’t a promotional platform for the Teach Rex brand, nor was it one for us as individuals. It was an opportunity for us to speak candidly to thousands of Teach Primary subscribers about something very important to us.
So we talked about workshops
Not our workshops, you understand. We hope anybody reading the piece would be sufficiently moved to check out the Teach Rex website, of course. That is not the reason we did it though.
Whatever the topic and whatever the method of delivery, workshops are a phenomenal educational tool at primary level. Young children are naturally curious and they want to learn.
Sitting at a desk listening to a teacher or copying from a whiteboard isn’t always conducive to learning for every child.
The point of workshops like Teach Rex and so many others is to instil a love of learning into the children we visit.
The subject? Doesn’t matter.
The methodology? Each workshop will be different.
The key is to have kids that love to learn for learning’s sake. Once they have that, it’s something they will carry inside them for the rest of their life.
You can check out our own editorial on the value of workshops at the links below.