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Teachers Pet - TEACH REX
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Our Partners

We are extremely excited to be now working with ‘Teacher’s Pet’. Teachers Pet is an established online resource platform that creates a vast array of engaging, purposeful and creative resources that are available to download. Before our ‘Teach Rex’ journey, we were frequent users of their website in our own classrooms and it is a privilege to be able to work along side them to create resources for your use.

Alongside ‘Teacher’s Pet’, we are currently working on a range of resources linked to our dragon and dinosaur workshops that will be available to download once we return to the classroom.


Teacher’s Pet also create a large range of resources to support the teach rex workshops.

Home learning

Teacher’s Pet also provide weekly ‘Home Learning Resource Packs’ – that are available to download and are completely FREE of charge for the duration of UK school closures caused by COVID-19. For more information, please visit the link.

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It's Dino Time

It’s Dino Time!



Nice to meet you

Nice To Meet You

Who's a good boy?

Who’s A Good Boy!?

Making Friends

Making Friends!