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Willaston Primary School

Willaston Primary School Logo


Animals – Our World


Half a Day


Summer 2024

Year Group



Joe & Sam

About the School

Willaston Primary School is an ‘Outstanding’ one form entry school situated in the countryside of the Wirral. As a Church of England School, Willaston Primary works in close collaboration with Chester Diocesan Board of Education and has close links to the local church, Christ Church. The school is committed to providing high quality education that equips pupils with the knowledge, skills, and character they need to succeed in life. It believes that education should go beyond academics, and it should also develop individuals who are compassionate, responsible, and engaged citizens.

The schools recent Ofsted stated ‘Pupils are excited to come into school each day. They follow the school’s vision, to treat others as they themselves want to be treated, remarkably well. Pupils are celebrated for their individuality and this helps them to feel happy.’

What we did

9:00 – 9:50am

EYFS + KS1 assembly in the hall

Firstly, EYFS, Year 1 and Year 2 met Fito the orangutan. The children became immersed in the story of Fito and his mother, grasping an understanding of the difficulties animals face in the rainforest. The positive and negative impacts humans are having on the world around us was touched upon in a way that was suitable for this age range. Throughout the assembly children took part in various interactive games to ensure maximum engagement.

During the workshop children developed an emotional attachment to Fito the orangutan and were asked to make a pledge. They were asked to change one behaviour that would positively impact the environment e.g recycle, do not waste food, save electricity.

10:00 – 10:50am

KS2 assembly in the hall

Following on from the assembly, KS2 experienced meeting Fito the orangutan. The workshop is similar, but the vocabulary used is more suitable for this age range. In addition to this, the topics covered during the assembly surrounding the impacts humans are having on the world around us are discussed in more detail to allow for deeper thinking.

Again, children are asked to make a pledge to change one behaviour with the idea that thousands of changes can create a huge difference in the future.

11:20am – 12:00pm

Baby animals in the classroom with EYFS & YEAR 1

The final session of the morning allowed the children to experience the baby animals. Children in Reception and Year 1 met the sloth and the Cherokee. Both animals were given problems that they face day to day, such as feeling upset due to looking different to everyone else.

Kind words and celebrating our differences is an essential message delivered during the workshop along with promoting resilience and perseverance.

We finished the day thanking each class.

Animals Squad


Willaston Primary School - Sloth



“The children’s reaction was priceless”


Gary Graham

Headteacher – Willaston CofE Primary School
(Last seen climbing trees with Fito)

Get your school involved

If you’d like to discuss Teach Rex and the Animals Squad appearing at your school, please get in touch and a (human) member of the team will get back to you.